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Codes of Conduct

Coaches, Players, Referees, Parents, and Spectators involved in any Twin Valley Soccer Club (TVSC) event are expected to honor the following codes of conduct. Unruly and abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Referees and the Board have the authority to remove all violators of the code of conduct from the premises. Referees will inform the TVSC Board of any issues that arise, and the Board will deal with each issue on an individual basis.

Code 1: Use of tobacco products, including Vapes, or alcohol at any time while attending or participating in a TVSC event is prohibited.

Code 2No Pets are permitted on the fields at any time, as per Church Grounds Rules

Code 3:  Participants must display good sportsmanship.

  1. Expectations:
  • Putting the emotional and physical well-being of youth participants ahead of a personal desire to win
  • Respecting players, coaches, referees, spectators, and families
  • Respecting the decision of the referees and coaches
  • Not engaging in any violence or verbal threats or use of any profanity
  • Not belittling or ridiculing anyone involved in a TVSC event- in public, private, in person, or in any form of social media
  1. Violations:
  • Using vulgar or abusive language
  • Throwing equipment
  • Making obscene gestures
  • Starting or participating in arguments
  • Taunting

Code 4: Use only constructive feedback as a form of correction. If a player displays bad sportsmanship habits, explain why the habit is wrong, and offer suggestions to correct the habit. Never use physical contact to demonstrate anger or correction.

Code 5: TVSC league shirts shall not be altered, cut, or modified for the season it was issued to be worn. On game days the TVSC issued shirt must be worn.

Code 6: Dress modestly to display a respectable image and wear appropriate attire. No jewelry is to be worn by any player, except for medical bracelets and/or necklaces. All jewelry, including earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and any piercings, must be removed prior to the game.

Code 7: Official soccer cleats are required for play- no sneakers. Proper footwear is to be worn by coaches and referees during practice and games, as well.